We have had a lot of things happening this week so please take note of the following...

1. Sunday Word - This Sunday June 20, Bloor Central will be open for a "limited opening". We have been permitted to open the building but as you would understand we still have strick covid protocols. So we will make the building avaibable to view our Sunday Word livestream together and then participate in a discussion after. The doors will open at 9:50am, and the livestream starts at 10am. For those who don't have access to the internet, or who would appreciate the opportunity to see some people you are most welcome. Others, can still view the livestream and join in a zoom meeting at 10am on youtube.

2. Funeral Arrangements - The funeral for Mark Hosue this Saturday has had a change of venue. With the changing covid situation we are now able to open the building. However, there are still only 30 people allowed in the building and so only invited guests will be attending and all will follow strict covid protocols. There is still arrangments being made for the service to be live streamed at https://funeraweb.tv/en/diffusions/31580 .

3. Web Site - We are excited to announce that our new web site has been launched. Check it out at Bloorcentral.com . This new ministry tool gives us opportunity to

  • connect with the community in a new way.

  • share information more easily in the Church

  • donate, or give tithes and offering

As a result of the new web site the newsletter we’ve used for several years will be closing down immediately. The email addresses have been carried over and we hope you will be now be receiveing the "Bloor Central Link". If you have any questions please phone me at 416 531 8031 ext, 101.

Blessings to all




“Bloor Central Link” RELAUNCHED!