Link #85 - Merry Christ filled Christmas.
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
We wanted to wish you all a blessed holiday as we celebrate the truth that God is with us. It seems so very strange that we will not be meeting together on Sunday morning at 10am. With the exception of covid, I don’t think there has been a Sunday in the last 17 years that our congregation has not met together. The decision to not meet was not an easy one - we love gathering together on Sundays. Over the years we have recognized how important it is that we provide a place for the community to meet on Christmas day (that is why we throw a party). In a lonely city, it is the loneliest day of the year. The last time Christmas fell on a Sunday we did the service and the party together and there was feeling that the whole day was just to frantic. As a result, we’ve decided that our focus on Sunday will be the party. Our prayer is that it will be a “star” for those who join us.
I did not want the day to pass without some kind of reflection on the significance of Christmas. We celebrate the fact that God has come to earth to save us when there was no way we could save ourselves. It is a season to remember that truth. I love saying it over and over - “God has not given up on us”. Christmas is a season that reflects that truth.
I’m always amazed that God chose to first announce the birth of Jesus to Shepherds. In the culture of the day Shepherds were not very important people. They would have been considered very low in terms of social status. Yet, God valued them as the ones to first hear about the biggest news world had known. They were understandably afraid when the saw the glory of the Lord (Luke 2:9). But the angel said “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”. I love that scene. I love that God would send a message to people that were used to being rejected and are told the good news is for all the people. Even them. Even Shepherds. It includes all people - even you and me.
As we begin the year I hope you will live with the profound hope this season represents. No matter who you are, no matter what challenges you face, there is good news and we don’t need to be afraid.
God bless you. We hope to see you at the party on Christmas day, and also look forward to seeing you at SUNDAY WORD next Sunday (January 1, 2023).