Link #8

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

As the summer moves along we hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather, and the slow recovery after covid. This week we have something happen that only happens once a year at Bloor Central. On Tuesday, August 10 two members of our Bloor Central family celebrate their birthdays on the same day - and they were born on the same year as well. To Kevin and Rick happy birthday to you (cha cha cha)!

Wendsday evenings have become very meaningful through this year as a group has regularly gathered to share in the scripture. We started with Acts, reading about the early Church and we discussed many times how it compared with the Church in Toronto in 2021. More recently we have been reading through Mark together chapter by chapter. This exercise is designed to follow the example of the early Church as Christ followers gather to share the scriptures together.

Over the next two Sundays we will be revisiting a couple of passages that prompted some great discussion in our Wednesday night fellowship. At Sunday Word this week we will re-visit Mark 6:45-52, the story of Jesus walking on the water. This is a familiar story for many and sometimes we can overlook the significance of the familiar. It is truely amazing how relevant this event is for our time and I hope you can join us at Bloor Central, 10am this Sunday for our socially distanced bible study. If you can’t make it you can still join in the livestream on our youtube channel.

Blessings to all


Link #9


Link #7