Greetings in the name of Jesus.

We were so thrilled to welcome guests last Saturday evening for supper as we re-booted our Community Meal (7 ate 9) at Bloor Central. It felt great to be able to share a table with some old friends, and a few new ones as well. As we move forward Saturday evenings will be an important ministry time and we encourage you to join us for a meal between 4-6:30pm if you are in the area. Getting back to full speed is requiring a strong team of volunteers so if you are available to volunteer in some way we’d encourage you to speak to Greg Peterson.

It has been written that “Life is pain…”. There is a lot of truth in this statement because we know that each of us face pain of somekind. If we are to enjoy life at all it requires us to know how to face pain - spending a life avoiding it can lead to unhealthy and destructive habits. God offers us a framework for life that prepares us to face our pain. In fact it is more then simply dealing with it, God goes further to inform us to what it really means to be human, to be whole.

We hope you will join us for SUNDAY WORD as we explore “The problem with pain” at 10am Sunday morning. If you can’t join us in person we will be posting the Bible teaching on our youtube channel as well.

At the Meal (7 ate 9), or SUNDAY WORD, we hope to see you this weekend.


#67 - Tecnical Difficulty!


Link #65