Link #6

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

I want to apologize for the delay in getting out the Bloor Central Link. Getting adjusted to a new website has been a struggle for me, but I’m getting in the rythm. We have missed out on a few birthdays. I know in the past couple of weeks Hazel Hosue, and Winston Hancock celebrated birthdays. Also Matthew Caruk (but I think we announced that one already). In any event to those who are celebrating birthdays we wish a happy birthday to you (cha cha cha). Once again I’d like to appeal to each of you to try to keep us informed of what is going on in the lives of our Bloor Central family. We are doing our best to stay connected through these unusual times and appreciate any effort you can make to keep us up to date on noteworthy events (birthdays, anniversaries, answers to prayer, prayer requests, etc.).

One importnat prayer request at this time is for Cindy and MIchelle. Recently they have run into a serious issue where they are living and as result of some harassment they are having to move. The police are now involved and as you might imagine it has been very upsetting. Please pray for them in all aspects of this issue. First of all for their safety, but also that God might lead them to a new place where they can feel safe.

As we progress through the pandemic we find the situation is continually changing and we are trying to adapt appropriatly. We continue to offer a live stream of the bible teaching from Sunday Word on youtube, and post it on facebook. Anyone who continues to have any concerns around covid 19 still has the opportunity to stay in touch with us through the online teaching. However, for those who feel safe (eg. they have been vacinated and/or don’t have any underlying health concerns) we hope you will consider to join us on Sunday at 10am for an “in person Sunday Word” at Bloor Central (789 Dovercourt). Our efforts will be now focused on developing our weekly gathering on Sunday mornings at 10am. We still follow all the covid protocols and for now refer to our time as a socially distanced bible study.

So we hope to see you, or at least have you see us tomorrow as we gather online and at Bloor Central.


Link #7


Link #5