Link #45 - Palm Sunday

Greetings in the name of Jesus. It is a great pleasure to greet you after our family spent a week getting over covid. As we get back in the swing we look very forward to our weekend together. Tonight we again serve our community dinner from 4-6pm. The meal is still served as a take out dinner; however, we do have tables set up inside for those who want to come inside and sit for the meal.

Tomorrow we head into the last week of Lent as we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem - Palm Sunday. It is an incredible event, to think of Jesus arriving to the cheers knowing that within days his life would be demanded of him. This week at Sunday Word we will be taking a look at the parable that Jesus shared with his disciples just before he went to Jerusalem. It was meant to prepare the disciples for what was coming, and it prepares us as well for what is coming in our lives. There is much we don’t know about our future, but we don’t have to live in the dark. We have a choice as to whether we want our lives to end with “Well done” or “Wasted life”. I hope you will join us Sunday morning at 10am for Sunday Word at Bloor Central. If you cannot attend in person the Bible teaching will be posted on our youtube channel.

Three quick announcments.

  1. Our 24/7 prayer room is being used more each week. As part of our commitment to be seeking God Bloor Central has set aside a room available to anyone in our community to come and pray. If you are in need of a quiet place to pray please contact us so we can book time for you to use the space.

  2. Good Friday Service. This coming Friday, April 15 we will be gathering together at 11am at 789 Dovercourt. We will be sharing with Vivid Church one of our new partners.

  3. We will be hosting a prayer walk for the city on June 1 at 6:30pm.

Blessings to all.


Link #46


Link #45