Link #18 - Advent

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

In case you had not noticed the Christmas season is getting into gear all around us. We are preparing for our (take away) Christmas party on December 25 from 12-2pm. The community toy distribution is being organized and all this is taking place while we continue the ministry of the food center and the community meals. The big news so far is the overwhelming response to the Christmas Kettles. We are so grateful for those who have offered their time to stand at a kettle for a shift or two (or three). The response from the public has been very encouraging. Please consider offering some time to support the Kettles. You can reach Greg Peterson ( to volunteer for a place.

This Sunday Karen will be sharing as we prepare for the wonder of Chirstmas. Sunday word starts at 10am and everyone is welcome. Look forward to seeing you this weekend.

Blessings to all.


Link # 19 - Christmas


Link #17 - Freedom from SHAME (part 2)!