Greetings in the name of Jesus.
This Sunday we take a pause in our study of Psalm 23. It is not very often we take time out from a series of Bible lessons we are working on, but the next couple of Sundays require it. This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy week which in the Christian calendar is the center of the year. It is awesome to consider that this week we join with Christians all around the world to focus on the very same events that took place in Jerusalem centuries ago. The events that we will be considering point us to very foundation of our faith. Without the sacrifice of Jesus on Good Friday we would have nothing. We hope you will join us for SUNDAY WORD at 10am Sunday morning at Bloor Central as we seek God together. This is a week that changed the world - so it will be good to begin it together.
Palm Sunday is a day when we consider Jesus deliberately riding into Jerusalem consciously identifying himself as the one who would be sacrificed. Why would anyone be so willing to embrace such a roll? There is only one word that can explain what he did - love. We pray that as we gather this Palm Sunday you will be conscious of the love Jesus has for you.
Yes, Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week and it builds all the way through to Good Friday. Each day of Holy Week we will be sending out a short reflection along with the bible passage associated with that day. We encourage you to make time each day this week to reflect on all the events that lead us to the risen Lord.
Next Friday March 29 is GOOD FRIDAY(March 29). We will be gathering at Bloor Central for a time of reflection. This is an important time for us to come together and help each other recognize the significance of the cross. We will begin at 10am.
With all the events around Holy Week don’t forget we are still inviting the community for a meal with us on Saturday. We open the doors at 4pm and serve until 6:15. Please join us for a meal and welcome the community with us.
Lastly, we would remind you of our special mission offering on Sunday April 28. This is an important offering that is specifically given to Salvation Army ministries in areas of the world that lack many resources we enjoy. We encourage you to be preparing for the offering so it can be a significant event. This year our offering will go towards The Salvation Army ministry in west Africa.
So here is a summary of Bloor Central life…
Saturday March 23 - Community Meal 4pm.
Sunday March 24 - Palm Sunday, Service 10am
March 24-29 - Holy Week (daily readings sent out on the Link)
Good Friday, March 29 - Reflection time 10am at 789 Dovercourt.
Saturday March 30 - Community Meal 4pm.
Sunday March 31 - Easter Sunday, Service 10am
* Sunday April 28 - Mission Offering