Greetings in the name of Jesus.
This Sunday is the last Sunday before Remembrace Day and so, as is our tradition, we will be taking a moment to be reminded of many who have served our country, many even giving their lives. If you are not able to join us we’d encourage you to take some time as well as we approach Remembrance Day, to thank God for all who have paid a high price to preserve the freedom we enjoy.
We are very excited to be offering a very special “21 word prayer” at SUNDAY WORD this week. This prayer is special because it is specifically designed for us to use when God seems silent. Have you ever had that experience when no matter how much you pray, God just does not seem to be listening or responding? Is He asleep? Taking a break? Is He mad at you? No! Don’t allow Gods silence to distract you from the truth. This 21 word prayer could be the most important tool you need to deal with those times of confusion, frustration, fear etc..
Sunday Word is our socially distanced Bible study which starts at 10am Sunday morning. The front doors open at 9:50 and we follow all the COVID 19 protocols (including social distancing, masks etc). We really hope you can join us, but if you can’t the teaching is also offerd on our youtube channel and it posted at 10am Sunday.
Blessings to all,