Link #119 - RENEWAL

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

This is a weekend we’ve been excited about for a long time. On Saturday we travel up to Jacksons Point for our annual BBQ at the Salvation Army Camp. As a result we will not be having our regular Community Meal on Saturday (July 22) evening. The Community Meal will be back again next week, July 29.

On Sunday we are looking forward to a very exciting edition of SUNDAY WORD. In Romans 12:2 it says “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. There is a wonderful example in the Old Testament of how we can structure our lives to live “renewed”. We have been having some great Sundays together this summer and this week looks like it will be something special.

Not only are we sharing in the Word this Sunday, but we are looking forward to welcoming our new “Cadets”. In The Salvation Army “Cadets” are those training for full time ministry. Natheniel and Jessica Roffell will be appointed with us at Bloor Central for two years as they are being trained. Obviously we are planning a traditional Bloor Central welcome for them both!

Join us on Sunday morning at 10am as we seek God together.

Look forward to seeing you this weekend on planet Bloor Central.


Link #120 - A SURPRISE


Link #118 - A PLACE FOR ALL!