Link #116 - Refugees
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
As some of you are aware Toronto has been flooded with refugees over the past few weeks leading to un unprecedented situation in the shelters and refugee centers in the city. At Bloor Central we are trying to offer assistance in a number of ways, mainly in partnership with Sistering in offering shelter to 25 refugee women.
Bloor Central is also trying to offer support to a small encampment that has formed downtown. Each evening we are travelling down to the camp to provide some small snack packs. At present we need people for two functions. (1) We are trying to gather a team to pack the snack packs. This will be arranged sometime during the day this week. (2) Also we are looking for people who can join us downtown around 8pm to distribute the packages (in fact if there are any drivers with cars that would be very helpful). If you are able to help in anyway could you please call my office number (416 531 8031 ex.101) and leave me a message. As we get the service teams organized I’ll contact you about your availability.
Keep an eye for further Bloor Central Links so we can keep you informed. Please pray for the refugees in our city struggling to find a safe place to stay.
Blessings to all.