Link #102 - A Glad Farewell

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

It looks like summer is definitely coming! We hope you are enjoying the beauty of this season and you will be joining in the life of Bloor Central this weekend. On Saturday we will again be preparing our community meal (7 ate 9) which we serve from 4-6pm. Everyone is invited to join us so bring a friend. It is a great opportunity to share life together.

On Sunday we will be taking a look at the most underrated Christian event of the year (I think it is the most underrated). Next Thursday (May 18) is Ascension Day. It is a time when Christians around the world remember the significance of everything the event represents. In Luke 24:52 we’re told that after the ascension the disciples “returned to Jerusalem with great joy.”. Why were they so joyful? Because they understood the significance of the ascension. Do you?

Join us Sunday at 10am as we seek God together. The good news that the ascension day brings will fill you with “great joy” as well.

Blessings to all


Link #103 - Special Ascension Day Edition


Link #101 - The 4 letter “F” word.